We have a very limited number of three of our past Locked Library boxes available for purchase next week.
The Past Boxes going on sale are:
✨July Box 2023 Powerful Princess - And Break The Pretty Kings by Lena Jeong
✨August Box 2023 Happily Never After - The Kingdom is a Golden Cage byLilly Inkwood
✨ November Box 2023 Love Resurrected - The Gilded Crown by Marianne Gordon
The price of each box is £22 + shipping (and VAT if applicable).
Early Access will start at 12pm GMT on Wednesday 29th May for subscribers. General sale will start on Thursday 30th May 12pm GMT.
Important Information:
Purchasing one of these boxes does not sign you up for our monthly subscription.
Those who received this subscription in July 2023, August 2023 and/or November 2023 are not eligible to purchase the box/boxes they received as part of their subscription. Any duplicate orders will be cancelled and refunded.
Past Boxes Sale - July 2023, August 2023 & November 2023